How long does it take to do the splits – EasyFlexibility

How long does it take to do the splits

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

A girl sitting in a split position doing a split on the ground  how long does it take to do the splits
Some people can get a split in one training session, while for others it can take years. The difference is in your starting point, your rate of progress. How you are training. Your stress level. Nutrition. Strength in the muscles to be stretched and so on. If you're re reading the first paragraph thinking "Did I just read that you can get splits in one training session?". Yes, that is correct.

I had cases of people getting splits in one training session

I had cases of people getting splits in one training session. And in all these instances people were already very close to getting their full splits. They had no injuries. They had no restrictions. All they needed is a little bit of fine tuning, focusing on one or two muscles that were holding them back. With the use of the Zaichik Stretching Techniques they were able to get their split in only one (usually 90 minute) training session.

It is important to note that not one of the people that got the split in one training session was able to maintain it. In other words, in the next training session, they could not do the split cold. It took time to get to that point, but when someone is close to the split it doesn't have to take long. With proper training it is easy to get the split. If you're looking for 180 degrees, on the other hand, and you asking me how long it will take, I could tell you that you will not get your split to 180 in one
training session.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are people that completely train incorrectly. Incorrect training could mean a lot of things

On the opposite end of the spectrum are people that completely train incorrectly. Incorrect training could mean a lot of things. No proper warmup. Trying to hold a split in one attempt without repeating it. No supporting and strength exercises. No supporting and movement exercises for the split. Training too often or not often enough. Improper nutrition. Improper rest. And many other factors.

How long does it take me to do the split? Or how long will it take me to do the split?

How long does it take me to do the split? Or how long will it take me to do the split? Is a very common and fair question. People want to know. However, to get a real answer, you have to do a split for at least a few sessions to see your rate of progress, to see your rate of recovery, and then look at your starting point. In other words, what degree is your split when you start it, how fast are you improving and then you can get an approximate date.

Provided that your rate of progress and rate of recovery will stay the same in your splits training. As a matter of fact, so many people have been asking how long will it take them to do the split that we created a Stretch180app. This is a free app that measures your rate of progress. You take pictures of your progress and the app itself will calculate the date when you will get your split. There are thousands of people using this app. And we see that the estimated date of getting a split calculated by the app at the beginning of EasyFlexibility practitioners training is usually correct. As long as people keep training. A lot of people have gotten their
splits using EasyFlexibility programs and tracking their progress with the
Stretch180 app. You can take a look for yourself here.

I've been training people how to do splits for a very long time. And when I would list the factors that can influence the length of time that it takes someone to do the split, often people would ask for specific reasons. For example, what does nutrition have to do with it? Well, in any type of training, strength training and flexibility training there is a change in the body's physiology.


And then there is adaptation. Adaptation takes raw material, various nutrients: vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, etc. The more of them are in the body, the proper ones of course, the faster your body can recover. The faster your body can recover, the more training sessions you can do. And thus, the faster you can get your split. Another important factor is. What else are you doing at the same time that is physically or even mentally demanding on your body? Why mentally? Well, mental activity also takes nutrients, not just a physical activity. Your nervous system needs nutrients as well. So mental activity or high level of stress takes the material out of your body just the same.

And then on a physical level, if you are doing a split, but at the same time you are working on your forward bending, back bending and shoulder flexibility and ankle flexibility and other things, the less nutrients the body has specifically for your split.

We focus, we get the goal, you get your splits

And that is why EasyFlexibility programs are so effective, among many other reasons, is that we focus on something. We focus, we get the goal, you get your splits and you can do your backbend and then you can do your forward bending instead of doing everything at the same time and getting everything very, very slowly or not at all. Your occupation can work against you and slow down your progress. For example, if you're working on a true front split or a squared front split and you wonder how long will I have to keep doing the splits? Well. If you sit a lot, your hip flexors tighten your hamstrings tighten and of course your adductors will tighten as well. And then you are basically slowing yourself down. There are some people who have to sit for a long time due to their nature of work. There are things that they can do to help themselves. But two different people with two different occupations have a different rate of stiffening back up. And therefore, one person can get the splits faster and it will take the other person longer to get the splits.

Side, Open Front & True Front Splits Strength & Flexibility Training at Home

If you are ready to do effortless Splits ANYTIME that you wish with a training method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your bodyand keep your flexibilityfor years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and start your training today! Learn how to do a Side, Open Front and True Front Split at home with a proven method that is guaranteed to learn new set of ZST's and Supporting Exercises to help get you beyond the 180 degree split!.

Another important factor is Hydration.

If you think of sunstroke or people being dehydrated, cramps and spasms is one of the things that they experience. And on a on a smaller level, a person may not have those extreme cramps and spasms, but they will be tighter than those that are properly hydrated. So length of time to get a split will vary as well. Supporting strength and movement exercises is another very important component. And in the EasyFlexibility system we have proven many times the value of supporting the flexibility training.

So how long will it take you to do the splits also depends on the supporting exercises.

So how long will it take you to do the splits also depends on the supporting exercises. For example, now that you got more flexible with stretching, if you are doing the EasyFlexibility system with Zaichik Stretching Techniques, you want to develop strength and develop awareness through movement in those ranges so that your body looks at your new flexibility as normal and natural and your body doesn't stiffen back up to where it was before the stretching so that you maintain your flexibility. If you're not doing supporting exercises for flexibility, your rate of how long it takes you to get flexible is going to be not as good as if you train properly.

Proper warm up and proper cooldown

Of course, proper warmup and proper cooldown helps and everyone understands that it helps, but the goal is to do a proper warmup and to do a proper cooldown, not just a warmup, any type of warmup, any type of cooldown. For example, the proper warmup is to focus on the muscles that are going to be stretched in that split, whether it's a side split, open front split or a true front split different muscles have tp be stretched and they need to be warmed up properly for each split.

Recovery is a big component of how long it will take you to do the splits.

Another big component of how long it will take you to get the split is recovery. It's what you do to help yourself recover. There are different types of massages, different types of internal and external applications to speed up the recovery. And this is anything from endurance exercises, strength exercises, flexibility exercises and doing recovery support such as ball massage, castor oil massage, red lamp therapy, Epsom salt and many other things that speed up the recover. I personally
recommend these things. And while you can definitely get your split without them, they allow you to get your splits in a shorter period of time as opposed to longer period of time.

Other very important factors

And finally, there are many other things that do play a role. They're not commonly talked about, but they do play a role as well. For example, the time of the day you're stretching to the the temperature at which you stretch, at what humidity you stretch and so on. So hopefully this article has been helpful if you're interested in easy specialized EasyFlexibility programs. Take a look below.

Side, Open Front & True Front Splits Strength & Flexibility Training at Home

If you are ready to do effortless Splits ANYTIME that you wish with a training method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your bodyand keep your flexibilityfor years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and start your training today! Learn how to do a Side, Open Front and True Front Split at home with a proven method that is guaranteed to learn new set of ZST's and Supporting Exercises to help get you beyond the 180 degree split!.

About the Author:

Paul Zaichik is an Exercise Science Expert, author of multitude of books, and the creator of Zaichik Stretching Technique (formely known as Kinesiological Stretching Technique). His speciality is flexibility training as well as body weight conditioning. His innovative method is designed to have maximum carry over into specific athletic techniques. Paul is the author of books and DVD’s on the topic of flexibility, martial arts and bodyweight training. Over the years, Paul Zaichik has worked with a variety of individuals including athletes, entertainers, and military personnel. His ElasticSteel Method of Athletic Conditioning programs, EasyFlexibility Programs and Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used world wide by both professional and amateurs with great success.
© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through,, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik, Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik, is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik,,

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