Flexibility Pearls – Tagged "back bending" – EasyFlexibility

Flexibility Pearls — back bending

A figure Skater doing a layback spin on ice

Layback spin in figure skating: Technical Breakdown.

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

Layback Spin in Figure Skating: Technical Breakdown. Layback Spin, is a Figure Skating technique that closely resembles an Arabesque or a Back Attitude in Dance. Let's take a look at biomechanical and kinesiological breakdown of this technique. By bending backward,...

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two pictures of young women doing back bending and forward bending on the floor on a studio

Mid back stretches. How to do mid back stretches and what are mid back stretches?

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

If you want to get the most benefit out of stretching your middle back, you have to know what your goal is of working on your middle back. Do you have middle back pain that you want to alleviate? Do...

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Back Hurts While Stretching? Here is why...

Back Hurts While Stretching? Here is why...

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

The cause of reoccurring spinal and lower back injuries during hip and shoulder compound stretching. Strains and sprains, in the joints and the muscles, in and around the spine while stretching, is a rather common occurrence. Unfortunately, most of the...

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Why are Easyflexibility programs structured the way they are?

Why are Easyflexibility programs structured the way they are?

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

Can I just do all stretching first and all supporting later?Today you will find out the answer to that question. EasyFlexibility is based on a distributed or spaced practice model. This model is one of two major models of learning....

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