Flexibility Pearls — hip flexors

Is Front Split Always Hamstrings Dominant?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Is Front Split always Hamstring dominant? The short answer is yes. It is very difficult to find someone who has a completely balanced True Front Split with a 50% flexibility coming from the front leg and 50% flexibility coming from...

Hip Flexors: The Definitive Guide.
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Learn what to do. What to avoid doing. And How to properly stretch your Hip Flexors Hip flexors, Everything you wanted to know about the Hip Flexors. We get questions about the hip flexors quite often so we've decided to...

I spin figure skating
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
What is an I spin in figure skating. An I spin in Figure Skating is when a Figure Skater flexes the hip with a straight leg and lifts the leg in front, holding the foot or the skates with the...

Proper Stretching Order of 4 Hip Muscle Groups. Can You Stretch Them All At The Same Time?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
How do I open my hips? I get this question a lot and since I've been in the field of stretching flexibility for many years I still get a question when it's phrased in a specific way it's confusing to...

If I can do one split, why can’t I do another? - Part 1 of stretches to do the splits
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
This is a fair question that comes from a very common observation. So many people can do forward splits and not center splits.And many who can do full straddles can’t do left or right ones.What strikes many people observers...