Flexibility Pearls — Hamstring Flexibility

Does squatting work hamstrings?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
It depends on what kind of squat you do. Does squatting work hamstrings? The short answer is: It depends on what kind of squat you do. How flexible your ankles are when doing a squat. Do the heels stay on...

Isometric Stretching Exercises vs Other Types of Stretching Exercises
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
What is isometric stretching? Isometric stretching is when a contraction of the muscle targeted is combined with a static stretch. For example, you place your foot on a chair to stretch your hamstrings. When you feel the stretch in your...

How long should you stretch for to get maximum results? (Case Study)
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
The question that often comes up is “How long should your stretching session be?” Should it be 30 minutes? An hour? 2 hours? And does it even make a difference? Turns out that it does! According to a research study...

Neck Pain? Neck Stiffness? Headaches? This may be the reason why…
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
I have noticed a pattern between tight shoulders, tight shoulder girdle muscles with neck pain or neck stiffness and headaches. The goal of this article is to get you to pay attention to your body and check thiscorrelation for yourself...

What is the best one hamstrings stretch?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Paul, just give me one good stretch for the hamstrings! That I can use with my students. This is a question that I got from a martial arts instructor who has purchasedmultiple programs and has seen success with them for...

Can My Hamstrings Get Flexible Without Stretching?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
I heard that you can get your hamstring flexible without stretching it. Is that true? Many people are interested in the hamstring flexibility and this question of “Can my hamstrings get flexible without stretching?” has been asked numerous times over...

Tight hamstrings? Are your hamstrings very tight? This special stretching technique will release them!
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Special stretching technique for people with very tight hamstrings. Over the past 8 years I have been researching the proper sequence for optimal forward bending and back bending progression. I wanted to develop exact scientific, tested flexibility sequences that EasyFlexibility...

Why are Easyflexibility programs structured the way they are?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Can I just do all stretching first and all supporting later?Today you will find out the answer to that question. EasyFlexibility is based on a distributed or spaced practice model. This model is one of two major models of learning....