Overhead Arm Shoulder Zaichik Stretching Technique
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Check out the technique called ~Certitude~ that will give you the shoulder flexibility you need
The ~Certitude~ Zaichik Stretching Technique at a Glance

1- Start as deep as you can, armpit as close to the floor as it is comfortable for you.
2- Apply external rotation to your shoulder, using your head against your wrist to slightly push out.
3- As you return to the starting position drop your arm pit into the floor.
3- As you return to the starting position drop your arm pit into the floor.
And then step 3 becomes your new starting position! Keep going with the exercise to go deeper and deeper into the stretch.
Watch it in action on this video
Targeted muscles:

Postures that you will get better at by doing the ~Certitude~ Zaichik Stretching Technique

Improves Cowface Pose


Downward Facing Dog

Wheels and Back bends
And any posture where upper back, chest and shoulders must be flexible!
This is an EasyFlexibility Stretch that will work primarily on LATISSIMUS DORSI AND PECTORALIS MAJOR. Rarely anyone knows how to isolate different muscles. If tight, a muscle can prevent many other muscles to be stretched, and that's why standard methods would just not work, and attempting the target post over and over again will be of no use. EasyFlexibility takes care of that by 1- Isolating the muscles and 2- Working with all their actions. Joints and muscles become free so stretching them comes naturally. Try this stretch and tell us how it feels.
Get your Shoulder Flexion Training Program NOW!
Click on the picture below to get started!
Click on the picture below to get started!
It's easy to get started!
If you are ready to start your Overhead Shoulder Flexion training with a method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your body and keep your strength & flexibility for years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and START YOUR TRAINING TODAY!
This Course includes the following step by step instructions for:
This Course includes the following step by step instructions for:
- Overhead Shoulder Flexion which will help you to improve your range of motion steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the Proprietary Zaichik Stretching Techniques and Supporting Exercises.
The price for this course is only $49.95 $29.95

Dance Combo
This package contains 7 programs:
Turn Out
Foot & Ankle
Developpe A La Seconde
Arabesque & Attitude Derriere
Attitude Devant
Side Tilt Kick
Side Tilt Kick

Flex All Full Body Combo
This package contains 13 programs:
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band

Super Splits Combo
This package contains 12 programs:
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced

Super Grand Dance Combo
This package contains 32 programs + 6 FREE GIFTS! That's 38 programs all together!
Turn Out
Foot & Ankle
Developpe A La Seconde
Arabesque & Attitude Derriere
Attitude Devant
Side Tilt Kick
Side Tilt Kick
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through ElasticSteel.com, EasyFlexiiblity.com, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com.. Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik, EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com.