Flexibility Pearls — Dance

Flexibility Training Program: Is it most beneficial standalone or with other fitness activities? [Case Study]
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
When I do my EasyFlexibility programs can I also do other fitness programs in one training session, at the same time? The question that often comes up is “When I do my EasyFlexibility programs can I also do other fitness...

Hip Flexors: The Definitive Guide.
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Learn what to do. What to avoid doing. And How to properly stretch your Hip Flexors Hip flexors, Everything you wanted to know about the Hip Flexors. We get questions about the hip flexors quite often so we've decided to...

Isometric Stretching Exercises vs Other Types of Stretching Exercises
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
What is isometric stretching? Isometric stretching is when a contraction of the muscle targeted is combined with a static stretch. For example, you place your foot on a chair to stretch your hamstrings. When you feel the stretch in your...

Tight hamstrings? Are your hamstrings very tight? This special stretching technique will release them!
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Special stretching technique for people with very tight hamstrings. Over the past 8 years I have been researching the proper sequence for optimal forward bending and back bending progression. I wanted to develop exact scientific, tested flexibility sequences that EasyFlexibility...

Why is it easier to do a turn out in the second position than in the first position?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
I got this question quite a lot of times, usually from bullet dancers “How come I can turn out a lot more in the second position, than I can in the first position?” For those of you who are not...

Arabesque Analysis
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
On the left, you see a picture of a beginner's arabesque. And thisis a technique we are going to analyze. And for comparison, you're seeing anadvanced student performing an arabesque on the right. This analysis will answer the question "what...

Developpe Content
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Does your leg feel heavy while doing a Developpe? Would you like to know how to solve this? Then take a look at the ZST technique called Content. The EasyFlexibility ZST is performed in two steps which repeat for a...

Developpe Harmony
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Certified Instructor Judy shows a stretching technique from the Easyflexibility system to achieve effortless extensions, flatter splits, and lighter developpes * It is performed in two steps which alternate and repeat ideally from 3 to 5 times. Watch the video...