Includes the following programs:
- Planche Mastery
- Front Lever
- Handstand Mastery

Front Lever
Front Lever is a beautiful skill attesting to one's core, back and triceps strength. It's been said that for thousands of people who can do over 20 push ups, only a few can hold a front lever. The reason for those odds is not so much strength, but progression. Not many athletes know how to progress to the desired front lever.
It's a fact that the same progression sequence does not work the same for everyone. The reason for this has to do with individual strengths and prior training. A bodyweight athlete with strong core will have different challenges than a pro-rower with upper strong back.
It's a fact that the same progression sequence does not work the same for everyone. The reason for this has to do with individual strengths and prior training. A bodyweight athlete with strong core will have different challenges than a pro-rower with upper strong back.
Ever wonder what muscles are involved in a Front Lever? Here’s the answer:
Take a look at the contents of the Front Lever program:
Handstand Mastery
Handstand is a standard "wish" skill. Everyone wants to be able to do it, yet not so many master it. There are three main reasons for failing to hold a comfortable handstand:
1. Lack of proper preparation
2. Lack of correct progression
3. Lack of Serratus Activation
1. Lack of proper preparation
2. Lack of correct progression
3. Lack of Serratus Activation
Ever wonder what muscles are involved in a Handstand? Here’s the answer:
Take a look at the contents of the Handstand
Planche Mastery Program
A true testament to strength and balance, attempting a full planche can be a real challenge. But with the easy, structured steps we’ve developed in this program – you’ll get the hang of it in no time! And sure it looks good, but do you know how much skill goes into actually doing it?
But don’t let this discourage you from trying! After all – practice makes perfect and you’re only as good as your teacher and our program is pretty good!
We know that what works for some may not work for others, so we’ve concentrated on offering different progressions that will meet everyone’s individual needs and skills. You’ll be able to take things at a speed you’re comfortable with, eliminating all injury and discomfort.
But don’t let this discourage you from trying! After all – practice makes perfect and you’re only as good as your teacher and our program is pretty good!
We know that what works for some may not work for others, so we’ve concentrated on offering different progressions that will meet everyone’s individual needs and skills. You’ll be able to take things at a speed you’re comfortable with, eliminating all injury and discomfort.
Ever wonder what muscles are involved in a Planche? Here’s the answer:
Take a look at the contents of the Planche program:
But wait, there's More!
Let us show you how you can dramatically improve your Flexibility
steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the ZST.
steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the ZST.
& Flexibility Method that will Change Your Life Forever!
& Flexibility Method that will Change Your Life Forever!
The Magic of
the Zaichik Stretching Method
the Zaichik Stretching Method
- Scientifically designed by a world-renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaihick, with over 30 years’ experience in the field.
- Isolates muscle actions one by one (to ensure they are doing their job).
- Takes care of the muscles that are tighter first
- Allows easier focus, since you are working on one specific area at a time
- You can do it all on your own! No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner!
- Remember that phrase “No Pain – No Gain?”, well it doesn’t apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be PAIN-FREE! Thereby eliminating discomfort and allowing you to continue training to achieve faster results.
- Totally safe, since it was designed according to what is natural for your body.
- Gains are permanent and steady
- It is very enjoyable to do
- Results are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided, which means you’ll get to show off your flexibility in no time!
Click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below to get started!
Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!

Bodyweight Training Combo
This package contains 4 programs:
Handstand Mastery Program
Front Lever Mastery
Planche Mastery
Elbow Lever, Peacock Pose, Yoga or Mayurasana

Flex All Full Body Combo
This package contains 13 programs:
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band

Combo 1
Combo 1
This package contains 3 programs:
Shoulder Extension Flexibility
False Grip Flexibility Training
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility
Don’t see what you want? Need help selecting a program? Want to buy more than one program? We can put together a one step checkout for you with all the programs that you wish to buy so you don't need to keep clicking the buy now button over and over again and can checkout one time with all the programs you need.
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
Enough time wasted!
Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus,
wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!
Start your EasyFlexibility Program right NOW and
start your journey to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle right away!
wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!
Start your EasyFlexibility Program right NOW and
start your journey to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle right away!