Yoga Flexibility Pearls

Take a Leap of Faith: How to Hanumanasana
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Achieving the full split with completely square hips in yoga is something that many Yoga practitioners seek. The posture is named after the Hindu monkey god named Hanuman. The story of this posture comes from the great Indian epic the...

Get Your Heels Down in Downward Facing Dog
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
How to Increase Dorsiflexion through Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Being a yoga practitioners requires a particular level of range of motion in the ankles that allows for fluid and speedy movement. They use the flexibility of their ankles to...

Slide Into Your Split: Mastering Hanumanasana
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
By now you have probably been working pretty diligently at getting better at your splits, or full Hanumanasa aka “Monkey Pose”. Check out last week’s article here for some tips if you missed it. So far we have worked on...

How to Do Compass Pose in Yoga
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Get amazing Yoga flexibility tips and exclusive offers right in your email! Have you ever felt lost and had to use your best judgment to find your way? Compass Pose, or Parvritta Surya Yantrasana, is one of those yoga...

Antagonist Short Length Conditioning
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
ASLC is a concept under the umbrella of strength exercises in EasyFlexibility system. Extended Length Conditioning and Peripheral Conditioning are found in the same group. All three types of techniques work the joint in its deep range. Each technique focuses...

I try the stretch. BUT... I feel it in the WRONG Place, Please help!
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Have you ever had this happen to you? You try a stretch, and you don't even feel it, where you should feel it. You feel it somewhere else! What's up with that? It can be a bit discouraging to want...