Yoga Flexibility Pearls

Front Splits Stretches: The Importance of Lateral Hamstrings Stretching and Conditioning
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Lateral Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris) is one of larger hurdles to the True Front Split (Hips Squared) Front Split. The exercise shown in this post is called Airplane Turn Ins. It targets the lateral hamstrings and it's one of many exercises...

Want to be flexible? Sometimes you need to go beyond stretching the muscle
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
In this article we'll talk about a very unique stretching technique called ~Harmony~ (the ~Name~ in between tildes "~ ~" indicates a Zaichik Stretching Technique ZST). A Unique Technique To be fair each ZST is unique because they are...

Understanding Zaichik Stretching Techniques: Application of the Butterfly Stretch
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
We improve, progress and evolve when we step out of our comfort zone. This applies to everything in life. Stretching techniques are no exception. If the old one is not getting you any further, it makes sense to try something...

Want Flexible Adductors?
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Of course you do. These guys are involved in almost everything. No Split can be performed without them. Very Few skills don't require adductors flexibility. We have a very special technique for you, to help you stretch those bad boys faster. To...

The Psoas Muscle
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Psoas - a lot has been said about this muscle. A deep hip flexor located in the center of the body. It is in close proximity to various organs. It is involved in various functions. If you want a True...

If You Have Chronic Shoulder Pain This Article Will Change Your Life
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
If you have chronic shoulder pain... If you have poor range of motion in your shoulder... If you can't enjoy life or sports anymore.... This short article will change your life. Here is some good news. Most shoulder pains and poor...

Flexibility vs Pliability
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Could you been thinking that you are lacking flexibility, but have been lacking pliability all along? Well, what is the difference? In short, Flexibility to Speed is Pliability to Acceleration. The former measures how flexible you are at any given...

Overstretching for the skills you want. You need more flexibility than you think you do
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
So how much flexibility do you really need? Say you want to hold your leg up in the air.. If you can do full split is that enough for a 180 Tilt? Is being able to stretch the height you...

Hanumanasana Problem Solving
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
How did last week’s stretch go? Are you any closer to achieving Hanumanasa, a full square front split? Check out last week’s article if you missed it here! If you are not advancing, there is always a reason why. Let’s...