Ballet and Modern Dance

Strength in Flexibility: Foot & Ankle – PART 2
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
The foot is a dancer’s golden pedestal. Take care of the foot and ankle and dance away with confidence. In PART ONE of this series we spoke about the anatomy of the foot and ankle and introduced stretches for its lateral...

Strength in Flexibility: Foot & Ankle – PART 1
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Every day, millions of people wake up, drive to work, run errands, and take part in various other activities. But as a dancer, “being on your feet” all day takes on a whole new meaning. To a dancer, movement is...

Front Split: Why NOT to Stretch Quadriceps Rectus Femoris
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Am I doing, something that I should not be doing? This question does come up often. And today I will talk about one of those things, when it comes to mastering the True (Squared) Front Split. While some people simply...

Flexibility: Keeping What You Earned
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
A large part of EasyFlexibility is keeping what you earned. Nothing is more frustrating than to go through a warm up and stretching session and see results, only to start from square one next time. For this reason we focus...

Flexibility vs Pliability
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Could you been thinking that you are lacking flexibility, but have been lacking pliability all along? Well, what is the difference? In short, Flexibility to Speed is Pliability to Acceleration. The former measures how flexible you are at any given...

Front Splits Stretches: The Importance of Lateral Hamstrings Stretching and Conditioning
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Lateral Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris) is one of larger hurdles to the True Front Split (Hips Squared) Front Split. The exercise shown in this post is called Airplane Turn Ins. It targets the lateral hamstrings and it's one of many exercises...

Antagonist Short Length Conditioning
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
ASLC is a concept under the umbrella of strength exercises in EasyFlexibility system. Extended Length Conditioning and Peripheral Conditioning are found in the same group. All three types of techniques work the joint in its deep range. Each technique focuses...

Arabesque and Back Flexibility
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
A common saying is that a dancer is only as good as her basics. Arabesque is one of those fundamental techniques where fluidity and solid form are combined. Flexibility of many muscles is called into play. Adductors, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings,...

Regular Relaxed Stretches vs Zaichik Stretching Using Wrist Flexion and False Grip As An Example
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
There are a number of differences between standard stretching techniques and Zaichik Stretching techniques. The most obvious feature is the fact that the Zaichik Stretching technique use a concept of Target and Leverage. Taking advantage of the fact that each muscle is...