Shoulder Extension
Shoulder Extension means to be able to bring your arms behind your body. Often people confuse the shoulder flexion and shoulder extension.
- Dropping down into a narrow elbow dips is a shoulder extension,
- so is chambering the hand on the ribs for a karate style punch.

Arms Behind
Being able to bring the arms well behind the body is valuable to many athletes. Those include combatants, such as wrestlers, grapplers, etc. Dancers and gymnasts need shoulder extension, as well softball players among others.
Issues Related to Lack of Shoulder Extension Flexibility

Lacking shoulder extension ability in the shoulder joint often transfers into the upper back and neck, as well as into the scapula and clavicle. As the results injuries to those structures are common.
How to Get Flexible
A common way to obtain shoulder flexibility is to try to clasp the hands behind you, put against static object or have a friend forcefully pull the arms. Those methods take a long time to work, and are rather dangerous. This program utilizes the kinesilogical stretching techniques to focus on various actions in the shoulder extension to quickly and effortlessly increase range of motion.
Shoulder Flexion
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility or Shoulder Flexion Stretching. Overhead range of motion is a must for a countless number of sports. From weight lifting to basketball, from tennis to gymnastics, from wrestling to swimming, the list goes on.
Arms Up
Being able to stretch the shoulder abductors and extensors, as well as scapula inferior rotators allows the arm to come up to at least vertical line. In many cases more than 180 degree is needed, in throwing sports for example, such as javelin, football and baseball. Same applied to serves in volleyball and rocket sports.
Issues Related to Lack of Shoulder Flexion
Since a downward arm movement is very powerful, many muscles work in various ranges. They all need to be stretched properly. Majority of athletes try to get the overhead movement by pulling the arm overhead or worst behind the head, as hard as they can. This is rather painful and more often than not causes chronic inflammation in various tissues, including biceps tendon and suprispinatus tendon.
How to Get Flexible
Our proven program isolates each muscle of the shoulder joint and of the shoulder girdle. Every muscle action is used against it's own action to quickly create space. The whole procedure is fast and free of stretch reflex pain.

Click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below to get started!
Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!

Dance Combo
This package contains 7 programs:
Turn Out
Foot & Ankle
Developpe A La Seconde
Arabesque & Attitude Derriere
Attitude Devant
Side Tilt Kick
Side Tilt Kick

Flex All Full Body Combo
This package contains 13 programs:
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band

Super Splits Combo
This package contains 12 programs:
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced

Super Grand Dance Combo
This package contains 32 programs + 6 FREE GIFTS! That's 38 programs all together!
Turn Out
Foot & Ankle
Developpe A La Seconde
Arabesque & Attitude Derriere
Attitude Devant
Side Tilt Kick
Side Tilt Kick
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
Don’t see what you want? Need help selecting a program? Want to buy more than one program? We can put together a one step checkout for you with all the programs that you wish to buy so you don't need to keep clicking the buy now button over and over again and can checkout one time with all the programs you need.
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
Enough time wasted!
Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus,
wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!
Start your EasyFlexibility Shoulder Flexion & Extension Combo Program right NOW and start your journey to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle right away!
wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!
Start your EasyFlexibility Shoulder Flexion & Extension Combo Program right NOW and start your journey to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle right away!