Point Balance - Balance, Flexibility & Strength!
Learn the secrets to superb balance – a must have for EVERY Martial Artist! Let me show you how to improve your balance while developing strength, flexibility and stamina!
In this online training program you will learn how to develop the most neglected and yet extremely important ability - balance. With the techniques taken from The ElasticSteel Strength & Flexibility Method and Yoga you will learn how to improve your balance while developing your strength flexibility and stamina.
In this online training program you will learn how to develop the most neglected and yet extremely important ability - balance. With the techniques taken from The ElasticSteel Strength & Flexibility Method and Yoga you will learn how to improve your balance while developing your strength flexibility and stamina.
In this incredible Follow Along Online Training Program you will learn:
- Beginners’, intermediate and advanced balance techniques
- Sitting, standing, three point and two point core balance exercises
- How to incorporate stability training into stretching and strengthening conditioning
- Proper sequence of muscle stretching warm-up
- A well structured follow along sequence
- How to breathe and focus the mind - aimed at helping you cope better with daily tasks, as well as improving your mental and physical health!
You can start right now! This program is online from any device! Here's what you'll get:

- Lesson 1 : The Warm Up with Breathing Techniques to prepare your body for Balance.
- Lesson 2: The Sitting Balances
- Lesson 3: The Standing Balances
- Lesson 4: The Kneeling Balances
Click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below to get started!
Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!

Planche Mastery Program
This program contains:
A true testament to strength and balance, attempting a full planche can be a real challenge. But with the easy, structured steps we’ve developed in this program – you’ll get the hang of it in no time! And sure it looks good, but do you know how much skill goes into actually doing it?

Flex All Full Body Combo
This package contains 13 programs:
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band

True Front Splits Combo
This package contains 4 programs:
True Front Splits Beginner
True Front Splits Intermediate
True Front Splits Advanced
Handstand Mastery Program
True Front Splits Intermediate
True Front Splits Advanced
Handstand Mastery Program

Super Grand Dance Combo
This package contains 32 programs + 6 FREE GIFTS! That's 38 programs all together!
Turn Out
Foot & Ankle
Developpe A La Seconde
Arabesque & Attitude Derriere
Attitude Devant
Side Tilt Kick
Side Tilt Kick
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
Don’t see what you want? Need help selecting a program? Want to buy more than one program? We can put together a one step checkout for you with all the programs that you wish to buy so you don't need to keep clicking the buy now button over and over again and can checkout one time with all the programs you need.
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
Enough time wasted!
Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus,
wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!
Start your EasyFlexibility Training Program right NOW!
wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!
Start your EasyFlexibility Training Program right NOW!