Flexibility Pearls — stretching

Full-body stretching routine for flexibility
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
How to stretch all the muscles in your body in one training session. Is this even possible? Full-body stretching routine for flexibility. How to stretch all the muscles in your body in one training session. Is this even possible? There...

Stretching before sleep. Yes, or no?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Stretching before sleep. Yes, or no? It is important to understand what this question is asking. This is not a question about whether stretching before sleep is beneficial to your flexibility. This is a question about if stretching is beneficial...

Flexibility Training Program: Is it most beneficial standalone or with other fitness activities? [Case Study]
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
When I do my EasyFlexibility programs can I also do other fitness programs in one training session, at the same time? The question that often comes up is “When I do my EasyFlexibility programs can I also do other fitness...

Hip Flexors: The Definitive Guide.
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Learn what to do. What to avoid doing. And How to properly stretch your Hip Flexors Hip flexors, Everything you wanted to know about the Hip Flexors. We get questions about the hip flexors quite often so we've decided to...

I spin figure skating
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
What is an I spin in figure skating. An I spin in Figure Skating is when a Figure Skater flexes the hip with a straight leg and lifts the leg in front, holding the foot or the skates with the...

Does stretching help you lose weight?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Does stretching help you lose weight? Stretching can help you lose weight depending on what type of stretching you do from the regular stretching point of view. Mobility exercises and dynamic stretching will burn more calories and thus will be...

Pancake Stretch: Everything you ever wanted to know about this forward bend in straddle position also known as Kurmasana or the Tortoise Pose in Yoga.
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
What is a Pancake Stretch? A Pancake Stretch is when a person is sitting on the floor with straight legs spread partially apart. The legs are not together as in a full forward bend or double hamstring stretch. The legs...

Mid back stretches. How to do mid back stretches and what are mid back stretches?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
If you want to get the most benefit out of stretching your middle back, you have to know what your goal is of working on your middle back. Do you have middle back pain that you want to alleviate? Do...

How long should you stretch for to get maximum results? (Case Study)
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
The question that often comes up is “How long should your stretching session be?” Should it be 30 minutes? An hour? 2 hours? And does it even make a difference? Turns out that it does! According to a research study...